




作为我们的全球水资源再利用负责人, 拉里帮助我们的客户做计划, 设计和实施饮用水和非饮用水再利用项目,为社区提供可持续和有弹性的水供应.

Larry持有Clarkson University(位于纽约州北部)的土木工程学士学位和土木硕士学位 & environmental engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 在大学期间, 拉里第一次对水行业产生兴趣是因为一堂水和废水处理课,课上有一位精力充沛、充满激情的澳大利亚教授. 

大学毕业后, 拉里开始在弗吉尼亚州北部的CH2M HILL(现在的雅各布斯)公司从事水和污水处理项目. 作为一名年轻的工程师,他参与的第一个项目是为上奥克泉服务管理局(UOSA), which operates one of the largest and most iconic potable reuse plants in the world. 这段经历为拉里今后的许多水再利用项目奠定了基础,他将在此后的职业生涯中一直致力于这些项目.

In 1996, 拉里搬到西部的丹佛,那里缺水更为普遍,并开始从事其他水资源再利用项目. This eventually led to his current role as Global Principal for 水的再利用, 在那里,他专注于帮助雅各布斯的客户在北美和国外实施水再利用项目. 

“Water is precious resource that is becoming more scarce to many of our communities, and helping address that problem while also protecting our environment is very rewarding.”






我的工作中最喜欢的部分是与世界上一些最令人兴奋和有趣的水项目的杰出人士(内部和外部)合作. Water is precious resource that is becoming more scarce to many of our communities, and helping address that problem while also protecting our environment is very rewarding.

What do you enjoy most about being part of #Our正规博彩十大网站排名?

Our team of professionals at 正规博彩十大网站排名 is amazing and diverse and a joy to work with. 有机会与众多专业中最优秀、最聪明的人一起工作,帮助我们充满激情地完成项目,这真是太棒了. 

What advice would you give to young professionals?

确定你钦佩的资深专业人士,他们正在从事让你感到兴奋的项目和任务. 与这些人建立关系,努力帮助他们完成工作,建立他们的信任. This will often provide you opportunities to work on new and exciting projects. 

If you aren’t working, what are we most likely to find you doing?

My wife and I have three kids that we love spending time with. Because they live in different parts of the country, 我们需要去拜访他们, 我们非常喜欢做什么. I also love to spend time outside hiking, backpacking, biking, and gardening.